The greatest mindfucker in Jersey was a girl named Maria. I never understood why people were so into this girl's looks. Talking about "wanting to fuck her." was the moral equivalent of jerking off on a Barbie doll. Mattel might as well put a sticker on her ass because she looked like every other doll they put out in this treacherous toy industry. Don't tell anyone I wrote this about her though. She always had some generic Ken Doll boyfriend from the football team that consistently tried to increase their penis size through their knowledge of cars and calling people "fags" or if they were feeling cocky "faggot". I had a big problem with this because I think "fag" should only be used for men and "Faggot" should be change to "Fagette" and be used exclusively when referring to
woman. Like you got "The Rock" who is the most electrifying man in sports-entertainment and you got "The Rockettes" who are a talented group of female dancers on Broadway. Anyway, Maria Mindfucker knew
when to smile at the right times and was a great conversationalist. Some asshole would go "Scene One and action!" And there she would be sitting, eagerly leaning forward, with her bright eyes creating its own
"personal spotlight". And then words would spill out. Unfortunately, teenage dramas don't do it for me anymore. This day comes..this night never ends. Add in drunk friends getting sentimental with you, big fluffy
grey clouds of nicotine, and one headache = Another day.
I wake up and look outside my window
"There's never anything on any more"
I step outside into the oblivion with a remote control in my holster and a gun in my right hand.